
Paths Meant to Cross



07-14-2013, 04:40 PM

Of course Asheni had been loved. Even as what passed for a prisoner, she was taken into the hearts of wolves and did her best to help them. She?d birthed a litter for this she-wolf? Wonders never ceased. The words of sisterhood that the Valhallan, Erani, spoke touched Crusade?s old heart. The aging she-wolf longed to speak an affirmative, a gratitude, - something ? but she found that she could not. Words had left her. It was little surprise that Erani sighted the pain in her eye, for it became harder and harder to mask as time went on; as thoughts of the sweet wolf swam through her head.

?Something has happened to her. Hasn?t it??

Crusade?s gaze sought the ground, but she was too strong to let it linger there long. ?Yes,? she murmured, and then, upon realizing how hoarse her voice had become, cleared her throat and met Erani?s eyes evenly. She couldn?t hide the pain, but then, Crusade rarely ever did. All the terrible things the she-wolf had seen and been through ? if she?d tried to bury them away somewhere inside herself, she would?ve gone mad long ago. The only way she lived, was the only way she could ? to deal, and keep moving forward. Asheni had been killed a most brutal and horrible way. Her best friend and her sister had been ripped from her life just when the two faes should?ve been happiest together, raising Crusade?s pups. But Asheni was gone, and Crusade wasn?t getting her back. Worse, her mate had nearly killed himself trying to seek answers and revenge. Worst? she was too old to do anything herself. Yet, she had come to realize that was best. Had she the freedom of youth, she would have gone ? and left her tiny pups in the care of the other, younger mothers. Had she gone, she would?ve killed herself with vengeance and or greif. All things happen for a reason. But Creator Above only knew what that could possibly be. ?It is always the best ones who go first.? That was all she wished to say on the matter. Old wounds are painful. But the ones that you were never allowed to heal are the worst.