
Remnants Of Time Lost



1 Year
02-25-2019, 01:01 AM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

Taktuq learned many things over the course of the last three days. One; Orabelle was not out to get him. The youngster could still hear his mother’s warnings about mingling with the forbidden; however, he was in his first steps of making his own decisions about whom to follow. Two; barking at your prey before giving chase almost always resulted in sore paws and an empty belly. Three; the longer the duo spent together the less violent his tremors were. The comfort Orabelle gave him was enough to calm his tics so that he could function properly. Four; Taktuq would never go out of his way to try to fish again. The young male’s nose wrinkled at the memory of diving headfirst into the water with Orabelle’s guidance only to come reeling back with a small and very angry turtle attached to his tongue. He had caught his first rabbit with Orabelle’s strange voice calling out encouragements as she followed his chase. Taktuq had never felt more proud of himself and deeply hoped the she-wolf was proud of him as well.

The boy had mustered up mountains of courage during their time together, but as they traveled through the strange land of strangely shaped rock and bitter smells, those mountains blew away with the wind. Taktuq walked with his nose in Orabelle’s fur, his eyes scanning rapidly. What was this place? What were these creations? A deep tremor ran down the male’s spine, causing him to cough loudly. This place made him nervous and he could feel his spasms creeping into his muscles. This was not a natural place.

Orabelle’s voice startled him and he flinched. ”Yes, I’m okay.” He said softly, resuming his position with his muzzle at her hip. One thing Orabelle must’ve learned during her time with Taktuq was that he hadn’t a clue about personal space. ”What is this place?” He asked, looking up at a towering structure as they passed. The mist that hung in the air complimented the moss and dew that clung to the building, giving it a far more intimidating appeal.