
Remnants Of Time Lost



5 Years
02-25-2019, 01:44 AM
The name of the territory that they resided in she hadn't a clue as to what the name of it was. But, all she knew was that they were the only two wolves there, as far as she knew. Her eyes focused on the towers that made them feel like ants in comparison. She looked to the young wolf and shrugged, "Two-legged thing, built by them, abandon," she stated. She had gotten a little better with her English over time, at least that was something that she was proud of. And, she was sincerely proud with how fast the yearling following her was learning. It was only a couple days ago where he didn't even wish to be in the same area as her; now they were traveling as a duo.

The dusty female looked inside some of the buildings that weren't sealed off by chains and locks. Some of the floors were much colder than the pavement they walked on that scratched their paw pads on occasion but nothing too severe. Textures of other objects as of which the female hadn't seen before made her rather curious, but she stayed cautious as she pawed at it with her right paw. The fabric was sleak and had a black coloration to it, some of the things she saw had the same texture as she leapt upon it.

Some dust flew into her face making her sneeze, but it was comfortable and unique regardless. Despite Orabelle being middle aged and wanted to keep going, some of her limbs detested the idea of going further for now so she looked at Taktuq to join her and relax. "Won't hurt, comfy, come relax," she smiled, looking out the broken windows to see if she could see anyone or anything else of interest or to be cautious of.