
Remnants Of Time Lost



1 Year
02-25-2019, 10:48 AM
the only disability in life is a bad attitude

Two-legged things? Taqtuk scrunched his face in confusion but did not question further. He tried to imagine a creature wobbling on its hind legs stacking rocks to create the towering formations around the two wolves. The young wolf was lost in his mind as Orabelle steered him towards one of the cavernous like constructions. Taktuq came to an abrupt stop when his companion wandered inside. His ears flicked back and he took several cautious steps backward. ”Orabelle.” He whined softly after her. Who lived here? Taktuq knew bears dwelled in caves, perhaps the beasts inhabited these odd buildings as well?

A creature stirred behind him, most likely a mouse or weasel. The small sound propelled Taktuq into the building, hurrying to Orabelle’s side. Bear or no bear, he was not safe on his own. The wolf’s tail started swishing violently behind him as he watched the female wolf clamber onto the strange smooth object.

“Won’t hurt, comfy, come relax.”

A look of doubt crossed Taktuq’s face, but he inched forward and sniffed the material. If Orabelle said it was safe then it must be. He carefully crept up next to his protector, watching his paws sink ever so slightly in the cushion. What was this strange thing? With uncertain wobbly steps, Taktuq circled a few times, his nose dragging along the fabric collecting dust. When he finally settled he was practically laying directly on top of the female wolf. He buried his nose into the fur of her neck and looked out the window she gazed through. ”Orabelle where do you come from?” Taqtuk’s face pulled itself into a snarl and he took a deep breath of the she-wolf’s scent to calm his brain. When his muzzle relaxed he spoke again. ”Are there more like you?” The two had yet to come across another wolf - not that Taktuq was in any hurry to run into another stranger. Perhaps there weren’t very many out there? Taktuq’s pack was small, but maybe they were a large congregation in comparison? Where was everyone?