
Pain Is Merely Weakness Leaving The Body



07-14-2013, 05:18 PM

?No long term joy can come from solitude, and why merely a place to rest? Why not make this place a home? Forgive me, where are my manners?"

Sasori stared at him for a moment trying to figure out the motives behind his words. Why would he care why he sought solitude? Why would he care if he made this place home or not? Fact of the matter was he shouldn't of cared at all and should have at least respected him enough not to ask so many questions. Then again everybody wasn't like him and he recognized that so instead of being an ass about it he responded with something that would be a little less harsh on the ears.

"I would never call a place home without investigating the entire things first and finding a suitable place to sleep without being bothered by the many things on this island that could kill a wolf easily. As far as my solitude if it brings me happiness for the time being then it is what I shall pursue. If I should change my mind in the future I suppose you might possibly be the first to know."

His answers were cold and blunt, but they didn't hold any malice behind them despite how he came off. He wasn't an easy soul to get along with, but if you could handle how blunt and to the point he was and how much of an ass he could be then you'd do well around him.

What he didn't expect was for the male to dip to the ground in a graceful bow. So he was feminine in the way he moved as well. How intriguing. He dipped his head in acknowledgement as the other brute introduced himself. He supposed he had to do the same, didn't he?

"Sasori Nara."
