
Holy Water



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-25-2019, 04:36 PM

The woman slowly brought her paws to sit beneath her again. She wasn't quite ready to try standing again, so she sat there like a fluffy loaf for the moment. She turned her gaze to him as he started tapping the ice, noting the fascination he seemed to have for it. She was quite fascinated with it herself, and she wondered why the ice beneath them glowed such a pretty blue. She didn't linger on that thought for long before he spoke again, explaining to her how to get her footing on the ice so she could walk on it. She watched him attentively, soaking it in so that she wouldn't keep falling over. When the male stood up, Paradise briefly glanced at the ice around her before attempting it herself.

Carefully, she centered her weight as best as she could and tried to copy him. But then he blew a little in her ear which surprised her, making her shake her head a bit while she was halfway up and she fell again. "Hey!" She wasn't mad about it, and she knew he was playing around so she swiped a paw his way before trying again. She did it slowly, however, fearing that she would fall over again and she was reluctant to ask for help. When she did as he did, her feet actually stayed under her and she didn't slip. Her tail stuck straight out, though she wanted to wag it, she feared she would end up unbalancing herself. "Ha! I did it!" She beamed, a wide grin splitting her lips. She looked at him then, a sparkle in her eye for her accomplishment, however simple it was. "Thanks uh...what's your name?"

"Talk" "You" Think
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