

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-25-2019, 08:03 PM
She winced at hearing Ody’s words, because it rang true to the sentiment of the pack she had created. He was right, that if they decided they needed to fight for the pups, that she would stand up and do so. Her instinct to protect was too strong for her too turn away once a situation had been revealed to her. “Thank you Odysseus” she said softly, both for his support and his words.

When Ty reached them, she glanced up at the Erovrare pack leader, and couldn’t hold back a soft tsk. It was her first time seeing him closely, mostly because she had been avoiding looking too long at the blood-soaked wolf. “Perhaps we should walk a little further, until we find a source of water”
She looked up to the sky and let out a soft, calling howl. She waited a moment, before WInter appeared in the sky above them, and dived down to look expediently as Shaye. “I need Trillium, Lambs ear and Wintergreen from my stores, can you fetch them please?’ she requested of the bird, who took to the air immediately to fetch the skills. She was lucky her companion didn’t mind occasionally being used to fetch and carry. “You don’t need to hide your wounds here, Tyranis, I won’t take advantage of them is that why you rolled in the bear?” foolish she thought, but kept it between her teeth.

She got up to start walking again, listening this time for water. “I used to be a healer, I can patch and talk at the same time” Ody was also a healer, so perhaps it would end up being him patching and her talking, but she wouldn’t ask him to touch the bloodsoaked wolf unless he volunteered. “Sounds like things are tense in regards to your pack right at this moment. After some time to think, I’ve come to a suggestion I can make. How about Leera and the pups stay in Abaven for a few weeks well things blow over in Erovrare. It gives them time to wean off her milk naturally and be at a stage where they can be independent from their mother. They’ll be safe, and I promise my protection over them from all that might threaten them” even Ace, though she didn’t say it. “After those two weeks, we can reevaluate the situation. I won’t take claim to them over those two weeks, they would be boarding with us, and you can visit them under supervision. Could you agree to that, Ty?”


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