
love to romance 'em


07-14-2013, 05:47 PM


Euphrosyne had taken to wandering aimlessly lately. So far it had kept her entertained for the most part and she had met some very interesting wolves. It showed her just how varied and interesting Alacritis was. The pale, ivory hued fea was also amazed at how different the different areas of Alacritis were. She had been everywhere from a rain forest filled with snakes to an island with emerald green sand. Now she found herself in what seemed to be a hot spring. The pools of steaming water around her smelled of something toxic, making her wary of touching it. She took the risk in one of the smaller pools, dipping a paw in to test the waters, her ears perking up in surprise at how warm the water was. She slowly slipped in till the water came up just past the bands of dark copper fur around the middle of all four of her legs. The hot water felt relaxing on her tired feet and legs. She was tempted to lay down in the water, but she still wasn't sure of its safety so she stuck to standing with only her legs in the water. After a while she turned and climbed back out of the water, her muscles relaxed by the heat. She shook off the excess water from her legs and looked around to see what else she could do. She spotted a wolf off in the distance and watched as they scrambled back out of the water and swatted at it like the water had done something wrong. She raised an eyebrow curiously, wondering if they knew something about the pools that she didn't.

The fea trotted over to the small, black and white fea, giving her a friendly smile and dipping her head politely. "Hey there," Syne greeted the stranger, her voice gentle and soft with a slight twang of an accent. "I was just over there, soaking in one of the pools, and I noticed you over here and thought I'd come introduce myself. I'm Euphrosyne, but you can call me Syne or Euph, whatever you prefer." She dipped her head again to the fea before sitting back on her haunches, glancing over at the pool of water beside them. "Do you know why this water is so hot? Or why it smells strange?"
