



7 Years
Extra large
02-25-2019, 09:28 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 06:55 PM by Torin.)


Torin listened as Tyranis spoke of his pack, nodding thoughtfully at the mention of their own predicament. He could sympathize with Tyranis' desire to ensure the protection of his pack, especially if one of those two litters was his own. Still, it would be lying to say the news of such a young pack already garnering ill will didn't make him uneasy. It was enough to make him question what sort of wolves he was speaking to right this moment; even so, he managed to stifle his grimace.

"I hope you can understand my... reluctance." He began, choosing his words carefully. "If what you say is true then I do not feel I can make such a choice lightly." He watched Tyranis as he spoke, though he never totally let the other man, Hannibal fade from his focus.  "I do not feel it would be right to make the decision without first consulting my own pack; at the very least my secondary alpha and senior warrior should be allowed their input before we make a conclusive decision." Lirim wasn't a pack of warriors, their only senior warrior to speak of was his father with only three other dedicated warriors to speak of... But he wasn't totally without sympathy for the young alpha if after speaking with Frostbite and his father they determined an alliance was worth the risk he would not hesitate to help them out.

"I will return here within a month's time, with our decision." He did not allow it to be a question or a suggestion. He knew it was a way to get out right now but Torin would not allow himself to be bullied into a rash decision. So he watched, carefully.

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