



4 Years
02-25-2019, 10:07 PM

He clenched his teeth. It was over. He knew from her tone she had decided the fate of his children long before she offered to pull him aside. She had heard too much about him from others to ever be in his favor. He knew Leera well enough to know her manipulative nature, with her black male at her side, surrounded by siblings who hated him and an uncle that wanted to see him suffer by whatever means, two weeks would be more than enough time to convince her that he was a raving lunatic, just as they saw his father.

“I…Will not use Eulogy as a bargaining chip.” He said resolutely. “Had I even known she was a Destruction, we never would have kept her as we did. ” He sealed his fate. Eulogy knew only anguish and hate for his pack and Hannibal, Shaye would never hear a kind word said in his favor, and she would keep his children from him.

“Two weeks of not knowing what is happening to my children…You may not believe that anything will change in them, but if they were yours…If you would give anything for them, risk everything for them, and know that you risk never seeing them again would two weeks truly sound like a mercy? Would your own words suffice? Or would you anguish at every hour apart and worry yourself to death like I will?”

“Talk to my brother Cloud, talk to my eldest son Astraios, talk to the other children in my pack if you don’t believe me… Send someone to live in my lands and trust their report, but don’t ask me to be separate from them and risk losing them forever on the word of a woman who would turn them over to my uncle of all men without hesitation.”

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  