

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-25-2019, 10:47 PM
He didnt seem to have any desire to continue walking, and she was losing hope that they would find an easy means to clean his wounds. As they where talking, Winter had made the trip, quickened by the ability to fly. She nodded her head in thanks to the bird, as she deposited some herbs by shaye, and took to the sky once more. "May I?" She asked the alpha as she prepared the herbs.

He wasnt making a scene so much now, but still speaking his side. "I told you I have no qualms with you visiting the children under supervision." She explained patiently to the man. She wasnt sure if his claim on all his family hating him was truth or not, he did seen to be getting into the drama of it earlier, and now that he was calmer he spoke of family members that she would get a good impression from. "I will gladly speak to them, and understand who you are from further vantage points. I'm not here to prosecute you, and I have no desire to hurt you. I just want to understand the situation, and help both sides as best I can" she explained, more gently now.

She could feel Odys silent supportive presence beside her. He had said his piece before hand, and didnt seem to desire speaking up now. She trusted he was forming an opinion of everything going on here, and she would be able to use him as a sounding board later.

"I appreciate that you wont use her against us, it speaks volumes right now, especially since I imagine you feel like your backed against a wall." She allowed sympathy to creep into her eyes as she looked at the Alpha. She might have no patience for drama, but his honest plea held more stock to her. It didnt sway her, she had promise Leera protection and that meant finding a peaceful path for her children as well. She had no desire to Rip them from Ty in the doing, and she truly was trying to find a peaceful medium. "How about you let me see to these wounds before they get infected?" She ventured, the herbs ready to go.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.