
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-25-2019, 10:53 PM
Archon felt his leg hook, and his bite take hold at right side of Hannibal's upper neck region about four inches behind the albino's right ear.

Their chests were together, thus making Hannibal's attempt to bite Archon's right portion of Pectoralis muscles where the right humorous and right shoulder blade met while simultaneously pushing into Archon a difficult task. Hannibal would, however sink his teeth into the front of Archon's right shoulder, where the shoulder met the neck. The gripping bite earned a moderate amount of pain and a hearty stream of vivid red blood as Hannibal pushed himself, and his teeth, towards Archon. The continuous and rough pushing would begin to cause moderate bruising to bloom in Archon's chest.

As soon as Hannibal started pushing against him, Archon checked his defenses. He brought his tail up alongside his stomach to protect from the shorter male's future assaults. He grounded all four paws, digging his nails into the bloody ground for traction while his knees bent slightly and he centered his weight to improve his agility. His hackles remained fluffed straight out to deflect attacks. He kept his face scrunched, brow knitted together, eyes narrowed, and ears flattened to protect from any possible attacks Hannibal might try to throw at his face.

Archon kept his attacks simple. Archon aimed to keep pressing on the smaller male's chest with his own even if it hurt, he hoped it would hurt Hannibal even more. He also attempted to grind his teeth deeper into the right side of Hannibal's neck about four inches behind the albino's right ear, hoping to not only hold his grip but to worsen the wound. Simultaneously, Archon attempted to twist his head to his left, aiming to tear the flesh from Hannibal's frame and cause severe scarring.

Archon hoped that with constant pressure and assault, Hannibal would crumble beneath him.

Archon vs Hannibal for FORCE CLAIM
Round: 3/3
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy