



4 Years
02-25-2019, 11:29 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2019, 11:30 PM by Tyranis.)

He looked at her wide eyed, his expression still anguished, his ears pulling back unsure if it was some kind of veiled threat. In the short time since he had raised his pack he had become the king with a thousand enemies, all of them poised to take something from him and leave him a hollowed corpse. The woman he had mated had taken an active role in plotting his downfall and more than ever he wished he had washed his hands of Ruina when it had fallen instead of taking up the demon’s crown, if only to save himself the pain he was in now. Losing everything, being picked apart like carrion by a thousand vultures that he should have seen circling miles before he died. He turned his head away with a sharp whine and hesitantly backed away from her and the other male.

He wished Kai or Cloud had followed them if only to be a shoulder to help keep him standing. He looked back the way they had come, this was just the first of many battles he would be in, and he was tired. So tired. If Hannibal lost he would need to fight to reclaim him, if Acere made good on his threats the separation would only be convenient to steal his children away, just as he had stolen away Actea and Ignis. Chaos at his borders was just another threat he would have to deal with, and still looming was the Klein occupation within his pack.

“Would… You let my son keep watch of them? Rather than her?” He asked hesitantly.  He was going to lose them no matter what it seemed. They were going to be taken to Abaven. “And they’ll fall in the rapids like your sisters did at that age” His mind hissed and he shut his eyes firmly against the intruding thought. How could she truly think his pups would be safe around a man who would do anything to hurt him? Did they believe Acere so much? Did they not know how many times he had broken oaths once they no longer suited his desires?


Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  