
Same as it never was....


07-14-2013, 06:13 PM

This land has changed a great deal over the marks of time, well he has too. Ulrike is no longer the once young healthy wolf full of spunk that he use to be. He knows that he is getting up in the years of age, death right upon his tail, nipping at his feet. He is not ready for such a thing to happen, he is aware of the pups that his daughter bares with in her belly. His grand children, the ones that carry his blood line with in their veins. Ulrike walked across the plains of this serpent infested lands, why did he venture out here? He had no idea him self, to some it might seem he was wishing for death. To him it might be the fact that this place keeps him alert, he was now considered a elder of any pack and with his leg growing more pain filled every passing day, he knew he was useless in many things.

This bothers Ulrike to the depth of his bones, being useless in a pack is just like death for the old brute. He knows that he can still fight, and hunt and do all the things he could be fore, but most Alpha's are young and see him as a burden due to his leg that is growing more infected every day. Ulrike walked towards the lake his eyes scanning the area for any unwanted visitors that may cross his path. A small growl came out of his maw as he soon approached the lake. The cool breeze that flew through the skies hit his fur as he stopped on the edge of the sparking waters of the lake. He looked down at the water and to his surprise what looked back up at him was a white wolf whoms muzzle has greyed with the age of time.

His eyes showed wisdom and told a story of a life full of adventure, sorrow, joy, love, loss. Well they were right, he had raised a wonderful daughter who now is going to be a mother of her own. He will get to see his grand children before he goes. Get to look upon their small faces and see himself in some of them. Well he can only hope one took after him. Ulrike sat down on the edge of the lake his tail curled around his paws as he closed his eyes listening to the area round him. This word is full of danger and misfortune, but not all is bad, and the old brute had learned that through out his years of life.
