
Olive branch

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-26-2019, 04:18 PM
She discovered that Leera hadnt strayed far from the battlefield, and tracked her down. "Hey Leera, sorry for the rushed introductions earlier. I'm Shaye, the Alpha of Abaven" she took a moment to introduce herself to the woman, and offered her a gentle smile.
"I'm going to say this upfront. I will always be frank with you, Leera. I have granted you sanctuary, and I have made a deal with Tyranis that abaven will house your kids for two weeks, at the end of those two weeks, we will carefully reavaluate the situation. I can promise you now that I will not put you or your kids in a compromising or dangerous position. I will keep you informed on anything that affects you or the kids, so you will never be blindsided. You can talk to me about anything, you can pursue any skills you wish to well in Abaven, and will have help in caring for your children. In return, I will require you to stay in Abaven for those two weeks. However this turns out, so long as you do not burn any bridges in abaven, you and your children will also find haven here. Normally I would not interfere like this in the private business of another wolf, but since I have been pushed into a position where I must get between a mother and a father, I will do so as fairly as I am capable."
She took a breath, looking at Leera carefully to see how she was taking this. Shaye was giving her everything upfront and at once.
"With that out of the way, I was going to head over to erovere to collect your children, do you wish to accompany me? My head diplomat will meet us there, and from what I understand, the children's half brother will be accompanying us, to take the place of their father in ensuring their welfare well they are here. His decisions were only second to yours, and if he gives you a lick of trouble, inform me and he will be removed from the pack immediately. Allowing him was a compromise that does not hurt us. I would love your input, and to hear your side of all this and of what I've said."
She had spoken a great deal, and would give her a moment to let it all sink in, and to speak if she so desired, or ask whatever questions she wished to.

Before going to find Leera, Shaye had asked her raven to seek out Rhyme, asking her alpha partner to collect his sister, informing him that Tyranis was handing her over. There was two sides to why she did this. the first was.. actually thumbing her nose at him a little, showing him how her diplomatic route had gotten him his sister, likely more quickly, and without violence, unless the route he would have chosen. Secondly, it was to keep him involved in the 'rescue' knowing that all he wanted was his sisters safety. She hadnt yet decided what do with him, but she respected him too much to disclude him.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.