
A Cautious Shadow.


07-14-2013, 06:30 PM
A shadow cloaked figure slunk along the sand, still hellbent on exploring the lands she had chosen to live in, but no doubt still as careful as ever. Her russet front paw struck a particularily stubborn rock, and she barked a very unladylike curse. Continuing on, the woman felt a bug land in her thick mane of neck fur. Stopping and resting smoothly on her haunches, she scratched at it with her powerful hind foot, sharp claws digging furiously at her fur. A sharp sting could be felt on her skin, and she muttered a string of obsceneties, punctuated by growls as she furiously clawed at the stupid bug who repeatedly bit her. It was buried deeply in her flesh, biting at her wildly. Letting out a snarl, the ebony and russet woman hurled herself into the water, even if it was completely freezing. Suddenly the pain was gone, and she watched an engorged tick float away, tiny legs flailing as it drowned. Cruel laughter floated from her maw, her long salmon tongue poking from her inky black lips as she watched the little creature disappear from sight.
Serves you right, eh little demon?
She commented, stepping out of the cold aqua, fur sodden and clinging to her gladatrix frame. Shaking it out, water sprayed all around her and landed with a soft patter on the sand around her. Relieved of the burden created by that irritating little thing, she trotted farther up the beach and stared out at the waves. They lapped the shore rhythmically, the sound like a lullaby to her ears. She simply rested, deciding to relax here for a while, to watch the evening hunting of the sea birds with her bi coloured orbs until she felt like leaving.