


07-14-2013, 06:45 PM

Although he seemed pretty willing to spar with her, the cream, peachy she-wolf was rather hesitant about sparing about Tyberius. Not because she wasn't confident in her own ability; she figured she would be able to decently hold her own if it came down to a real fight despite not having any experience. It was just that...he was a three legged wolf. A part of her did feel rather sorry for him, she couldn't imagine living only on three legs when she'd been living with all fours of hers. But at the same time she highly respected the man, for being able to live the way that she did. All in all, she would try and go easy on the man, though not enough that he would be able to say that she was pitying him because he seemed like the kind of man that didn't appreciate or want the world's pity.

He began to circle her and she allowed him, mismatched gems flickering to his frame, observing him as he moved, audits twitching to attention as he allowed her the first move, musing out loud how much blood they should spill. That's very nice of you, but since it was your idea, I think it'd be a better idea that you go first. And not too much yes? It is a spar after all. Stilts rotated the dame so that she was facing the man, muscles beginning to tense beneath her coat as she waited to see what his reaction would be and if he would take the first move she'd offered back to him.

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