
A Story of Marble and Ice



4 Years
02-26-2019, 09:14 PM

'Gladly' He thought to himself as he moved his form off the other male. Despite the male being older than he was, he surely knew how to be a nuisance...and have to assume everything is about sexual gratification. Nonetheless, he did know where the male was coming from, but, he wouldn't be chasing this older male's tail anytime soon that was a positive. He walked over to a hill near the marble structure, his eyes focused heavily on the stars that began to glitter and light up the world along with the moon. It surely was a beautiful sight...if he didn't have this asshole beside him making remarks about how he did everything. He couldn't help who he was, he was just used to fighting considering he was on his own for a long while, and everyone he had met besides his sister was always out to get him. He only prayed that his ancestors and the god's and goddesses of his land would bring him prosperity and peace sometime soon, for he could not take much more idiocy in his life. But, he had been an idiot before, so he guessed he couldn't complain in that regard.

His amber orbs shifted over to the smaller brute that was left some distance away from him. He was sure that if he didn't pay attention to his surroundings, he would be looking to catch him off guard and do something highly undesirable to him. His expression was one of seriousness, giving off a vibe that read 'I'm watching your every move so don't try anything stupid with me'. Despite this wolf stating that he was going to lay off and that playtime was over...was it? He seemed to be the type of guy that wouldn't give up so easily and would give him hell any chance he could whether it be by action or words. So, Seker would be at the ready to put him in his place again if he needed to. His eyebrow arched slightly, wondering what his name was. He at least wanted to know that regardless, even if he couldn't say it.
