
Time for a playdate [pup thread]



3 Years

Valentines 2020
02-26-2019, 11:19 PM
Gradually her siblings started following her example and coming out of the den, she also saw some pups that she hadn’t yet seen and an adult that she had smelled but not officially met. Her sibling Tythe was the first to come out. She didn’t think too highly of him as he was the runt of the litter but he didn’t deserve her hatred either. After all he was family, even if he was kind’ve small.
Her brother came down and sat next to her, bringing up mom and dad and some stupid rules they had made. “Well I’m not far from the den, it’s right back there” gesturing with her head. “Mom and Dad aren’t here so I might as well take advantage and get some fresh air” Her head turned as she noticed the first strange pup to come into the area “Here’s some fresh air right now” She started to walk in the direction of the other pup before she saw another one of her brother’s come out of the den. Feeling his remark about doing sneaky things was directed at her she retorted with “I’ll be sneaky if I darn well choose to.”

As the smell of meat met her nostrils she stopped dead in her tracks, it had been a while since she’d eaten. Stomach grumbling she changed course and headed towards the food. Noticing the adult female she looked at them for a bit then continued on course. They were no matter to her, as long as they didn’t try to stop her from doing anything they were fine.

Hearing the rapid pawsteps she turned around to see her brother running head on at the strange pup. The havoc that he wreaked by doing so was intrigueing. She watched as a white pup tripped over both her brother and the one trying to hide in the snow. Another pup came and seemed to protect the white one, she laughed as her brother made a fool of himself trying to introduce himself to them. Tornadic was clearly no ladies man. Tyto also entered the fiasco, it seemed he had the situation all wrong.

The thought of food long forgotten she also inserted herself into the mix. “Hush brother, it’s clearly Torn’s fault. Didn’t you see? He’s the one who ran headlong at that one pup” looking over to where they (Mordecai) were. Pushing her brothers aside she introduced them properly to the other females. “Excuse my brothers, please. I’m Theta, the rude one there is Tyto and the one making a fool of himself is properly called Tornadic.” Gesturing to her other brother she said “That one over there is Tythe and Tsunami has yet to show her face.” Such cowardess, Tsunami didn’t even have the guts to leave the den. “My apologies for any injuries your friend may have sustained. We’re the alpha’s children, who might you all be?”