
blackbird singing in the dead of night



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
02-27-2019, 12:42 PM

Kai didn't hesitate in closing the distance between them as well as he could, aiming to get a better view of the stranger. The most obvious feature of his was the two oversized teeth that extended from his upper jaw, reminiscent of a snake's fangs. Almost immediately his interest was completely captured, his grin curling into a slightly wider expression and his eyes widening with visible interest. He chuckled as the slightly larger male leapt down from his elevated position to land near him, greeting him far more jovially than he expected.  "I've been better, but I'm not one to complain," Kai commented conversationally, but the way he continued to grin was proof that he clearly wasn't doing too badly. His new company was definitely a welcome distraction, and certainly brightened his mood.  "Happy to see another friendly face in these parts, though. I was beginning to worry I might die of boredom today on my own up here. What about you?" Kai raised an eyebrow as he studied Chaos further, noting the blood that dribbled slightly down his fangs as he spoke up.

The comment about their similarities earned a low chuckle. He hadn't spent time among many wolves since his tusks had made their grand appearance but he still wasn't quite sure what to make of others gawking at them. At least this stranger had a similar feature of his own, and he wasn't ogling them simply because he'd never seen anything like them before. Thankfully. Kai was torn between feeling annoyed and flattered at the attention they were earning him, but this time he settled on feeling quite pleased. His grin widened, lips parting lazily over his tusks as he twisted around to face Chaos a bit better. "I suppose we do, don't we? Can't say I've ever seen anyone quite like you before. Or me, rather, except my father." Perhaps unlike some of the wolves in these parts, he'd never viewed his father's tusks as anything extraordinary, since they were something passed down in his family for as far back as his father could remember.

If at all uncomfortable with the way Chaos was leaning in and studying him, he didn't show it, instead returning the frank staring. His eyes roved over the stranger's saber-teeth over appreciatively. Though he'd been familiar with his father's tusks, these were quite different and interesting in their own right. "Name's Kai," he shot back gladly. "Chaos, huh? Tell me, how well does your name suit you?" He always wondered about the origin of names and he raised his brows again, his tone playful and a bit daring as he regarded Chaos curiously.