
Since We've No Place To Go, Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
02-27-2019, 03:33 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2019, 03:34 PM by Ignatius.)
"Yes, that would be wonderful. I can't seem to find my spare storage den."

Not surprising in this horrendous weather. He thought he knew where she was looking to go, but getting there seemed like a bit more of a trial than he was willing to undertake given how quickly visibility was going down out here. He was quick to lead the way back to shelter, his much larger form cutting a path through the snow which was deepening quickly. "This way, it's not too far." he called above the wind. When they made it back to delightfully pleasant smelling cave he shook his fur out carefully, far enough away to not send snow flying in Drífa's direction. It was probably going to be a while before venturing out was an option.

"Oh, not too much, mostly sorting things and moving things and busying myself with too many projects," he laughed, glancing back towards the carcasses he'd stored and pelts that were still strewn across the floor. He had far too many plans and not enough time or packmates to help make them all happen very soon. Learning to slow down and work with what he had was a lesson he was struggling with. Perhaps if Kirsi... But she wasn't here, and he wasn't ready to deal with that. "I was curious though, what sorts of things you crafted in the north to keep warm in such especially brutal conditions. I admittedly didn't get to learn a lot about the culture there. Our mother tried to teach us, but, I at least was always kept too busy to learn much. If you don't mind, since I'm sure we'll be stuck here a while, would you be interested in sharing some of what I've missed? I always did like hearing a good story or two, when I got the chance."

Word count: 309
Current total: 1340