
Same as it never was....



07-14-2013, 07:28 PM

The soldier found himself wandering still. He'd been doing a lot of it lately. What he searched for this time, he was unaware of what it was. It was like a sixth sense that drove him to places. Something that called to him and drew him near. He had his goals. Plans in mind that lingered in the back of his head. He'd been sent to spread his lineage and his ways of life. To build soldiers. He wasn't quite ready for that. He knew he wasn't, but already he had one recruit. A male in which he could teach. What would happen if he found somebody who could teach him?

It was funny how he kept finding the lands full of things that wished to kill you. The place was teeming with snakes that varied from venomous to common garden snakes and black racers that wouldn't harm a hair on your head. It reminded him much of home except home held many other wildlife that wanted to kill you as well. Much different than this place as far as creatures, but in the end it was all the same. Death was death and you could never be too careful with it.

He stalked through the luscious grass. Verdant blades Went far above his head as he crouched low stalking through the underbrush. He was heading towards the lake. One of the only water sources in the entire plain, and yet he soon learned he was not alone. As h neared the crystal clear waters he noted that an older male stood at the edge of the pool. He was an ivory creature with only a russet colored marking on his face that made him different than any arctic wolf he'd seen. Eyes were blacker than any night he'd ever seen. Different, but intriguing all the same. He stalked forward and flicked his tail to acknowledge him, but went straight for the water to drink from it first. He wasn't one for introductions. Not unless they were instigated first.
