
Part the Waters



9 Years
07-14-2013, 07:32 PM
The rain had been falling for several days now but the boy had never before seen it as anything other than an opportunity to play in the mud. At first that's all it was...a bunch of mud and several small puddles, but as the days whent on and the rains only seemed to get heavier puddles turned into streams and those streams eventually left most of Valhalla looking like a giant lake with currents that could kill even the toughest of creatures.

Today Ravine had wondered off on his own to play. Every now and then he would get brave and start into the deeper waters but would turn back just before he got to the point he could no longer touch bottom. He had been told it was dangerous to get into water with a current so he always made sure it was a small pool with no current before playing in the clouded water. It didn't take long for the boy to wear himself out. So he reluctantly lay down to take a nap.

His dreams were filled with sunshine warmth and play. Had anyone been watching him they would see his legs twitch and hear yips come from him as he slept and it would all be beacause he was dreaming of playing with his siblings and letting out playful barks as they carried on. With in seconds the dream turned nightmare. Water dark as night washed away everything and he could no longer breath. When he coughed it only made it worse and more water rushed into his lungs.

His eyes opened wide and he fought for air. A gulp of oxygen and he was hit by the carcass of an adult dear. At first all it did was hold him under aged what seemed like ever but was only mere seconds he pulled his way to the top of the floating animal. With claws dug in he was terrified for his life. His small snout rose to the sky as he screamed for help. He didn't care who came he just wanted out of the water.