
i'm gonna kill the bear



5 Years
02-27-2019, 09:08 PM

Lais quietly looked to the both of them before focusing on Gwen as she acknowledged them. She mentioned bear was thier target today and he felt a little uncertain. No doubt the three of them were good fighters, but just three of them taking on such a large creature. It was risky and he wasn't sure if it would be worth it. He didn't want either of his pack mates to get seriously hurt. Both of them didn't seem to show concern so Lais nodded to the plan and going over to pick up his spear, fallowing behind the both of them. He was quiet while his eyes and ears remained alert. The stench of the bear was strong and he knew it wouldn't be long until they reached it.

When he could hear the bear huffing nearby his grip on the spear grew tighter and he loosened up his muscles. Before the sight of the bear came into view. It was a rather large grizzly and the uneasy feeling came back, but he quickly pushed it aside. He couldn't let his emotions and worries get in the way, especially if they were dealing with this dangerous thing. He wanted to ensure he could try his best to protect the both of them and keep them from suffering any major injuries from this.

His attention drew to Justice as she motioned to one of the legs. Lais focused on that leg and spotted the misshapen limb. It was defiantly a weak point they could use to their advantage. The tall male nodded letting her know quietly that he saw what she was looking at. He quietly moved around the two and moved to be between them and the bear, pushing forward closer while he watched the large creature. He would stop a few yards away and once he did, the bears eyes caught sight of him. Lais' lips peeled back around the spear and he snarled at it, staring it in the eyes and challenging the bear. It huffed at him and simply stared. Lais quickly did a bluff charge towards it and it raised up on it's hind legs. When Lais moved back the bear went down on all fours before roaring and charging. Lais quickly kept back tracking keeping his distance but trying to ensure the bear kept moving towards him. When it would stop, he would bluff charge again getting it worked up to charge towards him.

"Talk" "You" Think
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