
Holy Water



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-28-2019, 04:17 PM

She picked herself up as the male picked himself up. Only this time, she did it more fluidly then before. She was getting used to the ice, her eyes narrowing as he denied her request to give a little more warning. Her tail wagged though, clearly she wasn't mad or upset about it. His nickname for her changed, causing one sleek brow of hers to rise though she didn't question it. She basked in the attention, posture high and mighty as the world seemed intent on giving her a title fitting of a babe such as herself. "I try my best," She smirked just before attempting to skate away from him. She was a little clumsy at it at first, but eventually, she started to get better and better, even daring to lean to her right as she directed herself behind one of the ice pillars.

Ears flicked as she listened for him, just in case he tried another sneak attack on her again. She would not be caught unaware this time, and as she circled around the ice spire that rose towards the sky, she glanced up for a moment. It was fascinating, and she didn't think she could get enough of the north. The ice worked to create beautiful displays, and she couldn't help but admire the beauty it held for her. Her gaze returned to him as he came back into view, the babe propelling herself a little faster until she zipped right past him. She turned herself around to face his direction as she slid backwards, a smile on her face and laughter bubbling from her lips. "See? I'm better already!" She called out as she continued to slide away.


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