
Elys' Plots


5 Years
Athena I
07-14-2013, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2013, 08:55 PM by Meili.)
I'll give it a shot :D

Name: Kaveh Kyra

Age: 2 years, Autumn

Height: 35 inches

Weight: 120 pounds

Appearance: Kaveh has a strong, sturdy build, but he's very lean, keeping him light on his feet despite the thick muscle that he's developed as he's gotten older. At thirty five inches tall, he's a fairly good height, though not near tall enough to be a giant by any means. Most of his height is made up by his legs, naturally long, but still not slender. They are as strong as the rest of his body. His coat lays close to his body and doesn't fluff up like some other wolves do. He is simply colored with a deep brown pelt. It has a slightly lighter shade of brown along his stomach and chest, also on the underside of his tail. His fur also has slight variations of shade randomly though his coat, mainly around his face, but only in dabbles. Not enough to be called a marking. His eyes seem to glow from his brown pelt with their shade of bright sea-foam green. They do darken ever so slightly toward his pupils, but still are a striking difference between is dark brown fur and his pale green eyes.

Personality: From day one Kaveh was a protector. He is constantly putting others before himself and going out of his way to help others. It's not in his nature to be hateful or mean. He is truly a gentle soul unless someone hurts one of his loved ones. If that happens he will stop at nothing to protect them and, should it come to it, avenge them. Family is near and dear to his heart, both blood and otherwise. If you are one of Kaveh's close friends he will treat you like family, no questions asked. He's generally very quiet so when he speaks it is always meaningful. His close friends or family are the only ones that can bring him out of his shell, bringing back some of that friendly, happy pup in him. It is a hard blow for the young brute if he fails to protect someone or, worse, if the person he fails to protect passes away. He can sometimes spiral into a depression if something like that happens, but his need to be there for others quickly pulls him out of it. He never wants to worry others with his pains so he buries these feelings deep down and focuses on the wolves that he still has around him.

Extras: Possible duty, sentry. Possible alignment, neutral good. A quick manip I did of him, (click me) Please ignore how awful it is lol