
Wool Of Bat, And Tongue Of Dog



8 Years
03-01-2019, 09:29 AM

The brisk cold air swept their opposing pelts together. The close proximity mixed their horrific Klein musk and filled the shore with it's stench. Having his sister back brought the albino male bundles of joy and his smirk could not be faltered in such a heart wrenching moment. The feeling of her pink tongue slipping across his mis match ears caused a shiver to slip down his slender spine and his legs grew heavy. It was not lust but love. Cordelia understood his ways, motives, and much more then anyone in these forsaken lands. Only Carthage could match that, but the obsidian witch before him was much more of a purist. She held the name Klein to her heart like no other and would drown it's honor.

Her first question brought forth a firm nod from the windswept male as he inhaled her breath. "Yes, our roots shall be planted in these lands." It was a statement for soon his arse shall be sat comfortably upon a throne. Where? He did not really know. He thought of Auster more then anything so he could get away from the south. There were far too many packs in the region as of now. Her next declaration caused his smirk to thicken and the warmth radiating from their mutant forms to grow. "I know dear sister. You have always been my closest ally."

Hannibal knew as he mentioned his seed Cordelia's reaction would be harsh. A she backed away the male remained still and her delicious yet venomous vocals hit the cold air. The beast leaned forward but his paws remained planted upon the ebon sands. Pink lips curled upward to expose his fangs as his own poison dripped words slithered forth. "Nephthys Ithuriel." The name of the Snake. "Sister, she is worthy enough for my seed and shall one day sit at my paws as a Queen." Hannibal raised his head but his fangs remained to be seen. His appearance was emitting dominance and pouring with annoyance. "A Snake with no venom, but riddled with power nontheless. I trust her enough to raise my offspring for as long as I dangle a bloody crown above her skull she will not leave my side." It was true. Like many females in Boreas Thys was power hungry and Hannibal had power to give.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.