
Game plan



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
03-01-2019, 04:28 PM
OOC: Still open for latecomers this next round only. New Deadline is March 8th.

Ig watched as the wolves filed in one by one. First was, unsurprisingly, Drífa. Always prompt and dutiful. He truly appreciated that about the older healer, and gave her a friendly smile and nod as she settled in. Next was Sou, then Akseli, Song, Chasm, and last but never least his wayward sister sauntered onto the scene. He ignored her cheeky wink and cast a last glance over the gathered wolves. It was a small group, yes, but it was his pack nonetheless and he was glad to have them all. There was one noticeably absent wolf who he hoped was simply too far away to make it on time. A mental note was made to speak with her after, but for now he didn't wish to keep the rest of them waiting any longer.

"Thank you everyone for gathering promptly. I feel that this is long overdue. It may be winter but it's more than time to get things moving so our pack can begin to shine the way I know it can. The best way i can think of to begin is by getting us a bit more active and more interactive."

"Thusly, I would like to begin planning for trainings to start, regularly. As everyone ought to know, Fýri is a pack founded on the idea that we should all be fully capable of the basics of every skill. If you can prove to me that you have the basics of a certain skill down and it is not related to your career path, you may choose not to attend that training, though I strongly advise brushing up occasionally since we can always learn more. The first training in each skill will be mandatory for those not proficient in the basics. See my after the meeting if you think you would like to skip one."
He studied the group for a few moments before continuing. Only a few of them struck him as wolves who might be exempt from one or two lessons, most, he expected, would need to attend a few.

"I will also need more than just myself to host some of these trainings. I intend to host the fight training myself. Drífa, I would like it if you would lead the healer training. That still leaves a pack hunt - which will include a short lesson if needed - that will need someone to lead it, a lesson on crafting basic tools that might be useful, and a lesson on navigation. Whoever feels confident leading one of these lessons please step forward for consideration. I will speak to you all afterwards about my decision. If not enough come forward I will be seeking assistance from a nearby allied pack, so only volunteer if you think you can commit to seeing the training through in it's entirety." That seemed like a good start to get things rolling. after pausing to see who might show interest in one of the positions offered, he would continue. "Lastly, I would like to offer my congratulations and first rank-up to a member who's shown good initiative and taken her position seriously within the pack. Drífa, let me know what sort of healing specialty rank you would like."