
Wool Of Bat, And Tongue Of Dog



3 Years
03-02-2019, 03:33 AM
You must have inspectd them well, brother. hisses were offered in exchange for his statement. The spirits agree of this place. she nodded her crown before she hang it low, a cheshire grin spreading further on her ghoulish features.

If you will find yourself in a fight, I shall be your sword. she bowed her crown low, kneeling in front of her future King, in front of the heir of the Klein name and Empire. If you find yourself in need of protection, I shall be your shield. she rose her lenses towards him, eyeing her brother and the conqueror of lands. With him they shall raise again, they shall raise the Empire like a mighty and glorious pheonix right from the ashes. Nothing will stand in their way. Not if they remained united.

The moment he answered her questiones was when everything crumbled and fell for the spider witch. How could he? For what reasons? Was her brother lonely? Was his manhood affected by the snake spells? Who was this..this snake and why was her brother so sudden displaying aggression and annoyance to her questions. Nephthys. she tasted her name on her tongue and a menancing, low growl was offered in return from the back of her throat. You plan to make hear your Queen? astonishment, shock, words could not express and all she could do was widen her eyes for a moment.

This cannot be.

She is a threat.

Brother we need to dispose of her at once. her own canines were displayed as her ebon lips peeled backwards. Her tail hang high in the air, yet lower than Hannibals own, as her head hangs lower. It is not the way. she pleaded with him again, trying to force her reasoning onto him though she knew his words were final. The King wishes must be met. His way must be done accordingly.  Keep the offsprings if you must, brother. But dispose of the woman she spatted the last word as if it burnt her, as if it was an insult.

Heed, and listen closely.

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.