
Sometimes There Is Honor In Revenge


03-02-2019, 05:37 AM

She opened her mouth and she couldn't have started their relationship any worse. In her he already saw Ra. The way she sought to dominate things as if she'd never had the confidence given to her to know that such a thing was not needed. The way she trounced her hips and tried too hard to be sensual. The length of her tail, the way she decorated herself. This was Ra made again. As if the world needed another version of the same man that slaughtered women after they gave their love to him. Disgusting. The apple as she said didnt fall far for her either.

There are no apples here, his tree does not exist, I'll not walk in his shadow or be compared to such a detestable soul. his eyes narrowed at her. She was not winning any favor here and he made such clear. His own dominance now began to radiate as she continued to dig a grave. His tail twitched in a catlike manner, giving way to the anger inside him. Perhaps this slave was never taught proper manners. She seemed intent on riling the God king.

She now insulted him and assumed herself that he was uneducated, for she explained things that need not explaining. His scruff slowly tensed and rose to stand the fur there on end. Fire danced in his obsidian orbs. This would do her no good. Then she sealed the sarcophagus with the words his pharaoh. She assumed she would control him ever. That he would bend to the will of another so simply because they wished him to.

You make your own dangerous assumptions. You'll not see me bend to your will or become servant to you because you claim a title. A pharaoh does not bend to another. Understand that you speak to heir of a throne, pharaoh and God to his people. Do not assume you will ever see me serve another. he could of thrown insults back at her but to do such would start a verbal affair that he had no interest in. He was raised a proper pharaoh, while she serviced others. His eyes said he knew something. Something that she would probably want kept secret if she was to be going around claiming titles like she was.

His haunches rose and he turned from this place. He had no need of daft women. Perhaps a word of advise of my own to you, escaped slave, if you want others to aid you and become your allies, do not threaten them, nor offend them as you seen intent on doing. I can see now my mission to find the goddess marked slave andbring her to become Pharoah's wife wasn't worth my trip. with that he started his embark up the dunes and back towards the western end of the desert. If she followed and decide that perhaps vinegar would not catch her any favors then so be it.
