
Lucid Dreams



3 Years
03-02-2019, 08:44 AM

The woman responded and Carthage laughed, wondering how Tyranis truly felt about him. Another Klein in his territory should make anyone uncomfortable, especially when more were likely on the way. He continued to doubt the man really liked him, but he also hadn't been around long. He needed to prove his worth if anything, especially since Hannibal didn't seem too reliable at the moment. The woman didn't seem to sway him either way, unlike the last woman he met at the shrine. She was different.

"I hardly notice one over the other, it's truly yours to pick." Either name sounded too much like the other to really tell the difference anyway, but he could hardly pick up on it when he was called one or the other. He had no preference to what she decided, as long as she didn't call him Carrie. That name made his skin crawl for sounding too feminine. It was a good joke at times, but for the most part it ground his gears.

She moved on to the inquiry about her scars and told him the story of the most admirable on her face and then how the others were hardly as exciting. Carthage chuckled, understanding how those probably weren't even fun compared to the one. She asked about him, but he hardly knew what to say. It wasn't like he didn't lead a very exciting life, but there wasn't much to say.  "I come from a rather large family unit far from here and we made such a name for ourselves out here, but famine overtook our home and chased us out. I followed Hannibal's trail out here, but the rest haven't seemed to find us yet." He shrugged, unsure of what really to say about the family without letting too much information out to someone he couldn't readily trust. He hoped it'd do for now, until he could speak more in detail with Hannibal about their purpose here and what he'd told everyone. They didn't need to have different stories, especially since he wasn't sure about Hannibal's motives yet.
