
Hey Guess what?



7 Years
03-02-2019, 06:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2019, 06:09 PM by Typhon.)
Unsurprisingly, Typhon had been rather ignorant to the signs that Zinnia had been showing. He'd spent so much of his life focused on training and on better himself that he hadn't even considered romantic relationships at all until very recently - he'd never really thought himself worthy of such things, and truthfully nobody had caught his eye until Zinnia. Now he considered their relationship as much for himself as he did for their God, and for his family. Furthering the line of Abraxas wolves was an act of service and of love, to all parties involved. Pouring his energy into his relationship with Zinnia had been his focus lately and he was surprised to find just how fulfilling it was. He felt at ease around her, especially now that he didn't feel quite as nervous around her as he once had - though it was hard to shake that familiar anxious excitement that she seemed to ignite within his chest, even after weeks of officially being together.

He'd spent the afternoon scouting the borders, though when the sun began to set he was happy to return to the den he shared with Zinnia. Once he drew closer to their den her scent grew stronger, and he fought from letting a goofy and rather uncharacteristic grin sneak across his face. He composed himself before slipping inside, pleased to see she was home safe and sound. His expression shifted into a slow grin, adoration shining in his eyes as he moved to join her, slinking beside her and lowering himself with a low sigh. "How was your day, Zin?" He greeted her gently, nuzzling her cheek softly as he settled in beside her.