
Eurus vs Aureus



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-02-2019, 09:44 PM

Aureus could barely contain himself. He danced lightly from foot to foot as he waited for the tournament to start. Nerves rattled through him, clashed with excitement and resulted in a feeling he just couldn't place. He felt a nudge on his shoulder as he turned to look at Kali. "Ease up there Aureus, you're gonna wear a hole in the ground. Save your energy for the battles to come." Aureus took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself. His dad was here. His dad, his family, were going to be watching. Losing was not an option. He had to uphold his family name and as a young godling he couldn't fathom losing to a mortal but at the same time he knew it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. What would he do if he lost? Would his father yell at him? Would he be exiled?  Would… would he be culled?

Aureus swallowed and steeled himself. Of course he'd win! He was going to do his family proud. A coydog approached him and another boy about his height. They were to be paired against one another in a fight. Aureus nodded politely to the boy, then made a face at him as he gestued to the coydog when she wasn't look. Dears? Sweeties? He was a warrior!

Getting settled in the ring he took his place and nodded at the coydog. Ok, so the first move was his. Aureus glanced at Kali and the jaguar nodded, he was good to go. Aureus lowered his skull and tail to align with his spine as his fur and hackles stood on end. His ears pinned to his head and he rolled his shoulders forward while scrunching his neck back. Making sure his weight was even over his limbs he set his stance, claws digging into the earth. A silent countdown ran through his mind before he kicked off toward Eurus.

Aureus attempted to close the distance between himself and Eurus. He sought to approach the other male head on but slightly to his own right so that his left shoulder lined up with the groove between Eurus' left shoulder and chest. Aureus hoped to hit with enough force to sprain the other boy's left shoulder. Simultaneously he twisted his head to his left as he sought to latch onto the other boys face with his fangs. Aureus sought for his upper fangs to pierce the flesh above the boy's left eye with his lower fangs seeking to land below the boy's left cheek. He hoped to leave deep punctures and get a good, solid grip on his opponents head.

For now Kali hung back from the battle, keeping an eye on the proceedings and looking for a good opening for attack.

Aureus vs Eurus for Spar
Round 1 of ?
Size: Extra Large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: None
Defensive Accessory: None
Companion 1: Jaguar (battle)
Companion 2: None
Mutation: None
Disability: None
Fight Skill Level: Intermediate
Specialty: None