
Gift Giving Is Harder Than It Looks



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
03-02-2019, 11:06 PM
Think I'd rather lose a limb than sit through too many meetings sometimes, he commented, and Kai grinned wryly. "I'd rather chew off my own limb than listen to any meeting, unless they're more entertaining than I suspect they are," the man commented with a low chuckle. "I admire your ability to withstand any of them, though... I suspect they're less dreadful when you're the one in charge?" Kai flashed him a playful grin, deciding that this male's company was a quite welcome distraction from the ache in his face. Somehow he had a knack for finding pack leaders, and somehow they were all so dreadfully handsome, which really was quite distracting when they were trying to hunt...

Without hesitating he turned to follow behind Ignatius, only trailing slightly behind him before catching up properly and loping at his side. "Interesting pelts, you say?" Kai's interest was piqued. While he understood hunting merely for food, the Jarvela way - at least when it came to caribou - was to use as much of the prey as possible. They were sacred, after all, and he appreciated that Ignatius wanted to make use of their pelts. "Aiming to take down one sounds like a good plan." Perhaps trying for two might be needless, if not reckless, too. He let silence fall over them, wondering if he ought to bring up his family's affinity for reindeer, though he decided that might be a topic best left for later.

After a short while they slowed. The moonlight, as well as the wide arcs of light that beamed across the night sky, offered them a decent view of the small herd up ahead. They stood together beneath one of the dangling spires of ice, oblivious to the presence of the two wolves who had been stalking them. "Which one are you wanting to go after?" Kai asked, tilting his head toward Ignatius and then back to the small group to confirm what he suspected. If it was the one with the really interesting coat near the edge of the group, their task might be easier. "They don't seem to be aware of us at all, so I'm wondering if one of us can startle just one and break them off from the group more easily. Either way, it won't be an easy kill but I think we can handle it." They were both rather large wolves and he hoped their strength would allow them to take down an otherwise quite difficult target. Hopefully hunting under the cover of night would work to their advantage.