
Finding a New Voice



4 Years
03-02-2019, 11:14 PM
Amber eyes adjusted to the night sky as he crawled up from under a small den where he got some much needed sleep. Hadn't he known that he would wake up during the night he wouldn't have slept during the day. Oh well, sleep was decent enough for him, and he needed to get his strength up regardless. Who knew if he would be needed for something once again when it came to his sister or any of his siblings. He doubted he would be much use in his current condition, since he was not able to speak any coherent words...or any words for that matter. Every time he tried it would either be inaudible, or would cause rather excruciating pain for the young wolf. He definitely needed to get adjusted to everything when it came to these lands. As of right now he was a loner, and he was not much use being one, but he had been one for the longest time the canine had forgotten what it was like to be a part of a large group of his own kind.

Nonetheless, he needed to focus on his tasks at hand, which was getting what needed to survive. He walked over to where there was a lake nearby. A few bugs happened to be scattering about due to Spring beginning to show itself to the land. He happened at the frigid water as he replenished his thirst and sat by the lake in thought as to what he was going to do now. Should he continue on his merry way and see if he couldn't find a possible mate or woman to give him offspring, stay with his sister, he hadn't a clue at this point as he sighed inaudibly and looked to the moon. Trying to find any source of a sign as to what he was going to do or what he should do from the Gods. As of right now, he seemed so out of place in this land as well as with himself.