
Tiptoe Through the Window



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12 Years
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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-03-2019, 02:34 AM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2019, 02:35 AM by Paradise.)

“You would’ve had more fun if you kept up,” A sheepish grin crossed her features as he approached her. She was trying to keep up, but she was far too inexperienced in the snow. And with her being inexperienced as she was with hunting, the snow made it many times harder. "Hey, I'm not used to the snow alright? Run on my turf and I can run circles around you though," Was she confident about that? Hell yes. She raised herself in the Southern lands. While she still wasn't a great hunter there, she knew she could do a lot better there. There was no snow or hidden obstacles to stop her. She knew almost every inch of the southern lands. Where to find the best prey. Where to set up an ambush if she needed to. How to wear down her prey. She had stamina. She could run the open terrain without losing her breath. But here? Forget it.

When he started to lick her wound, she startled just the slightest bit. The touch was unexpected, and when his eyes rose to meet her own, she could feel her heartbeat quicken its pace for a moment. "Snail. He gave her shoulder a final lick before turning away from her. Nobody had dared touch her like that before. Or any other way unless she asked. Like...if she needed help getting her foot out of stupid gopher holes and stuff. She was speechless for once. The babe still processing the male's bold approach. She watched as he started to tear into the caribou. The babe glanced at her shoulder and gave it a few, swift licks before wiping her tongue across her lips. When she returned her attention to him, he had shifted a bit and she took that as a cue to join him. Even if an invitation wasn't offered, she would have invited herself, anyway.

The babe approached the caribou's stomach, and she eagerly tucked in and tore at the flesh. She was a bit neater while she tore off flesh. She didn't like being covered in blood and gore, let alone in the dirt. She knew she'd have to groom herself really, really well after this. And if she ended up getting too dirty, she'd be looking for a place to bathe, even if she had to return home to do so. Pearly teeth tore at flesh and muscle, eventually exposing more of the caribou's insides. Her muzzle and some of her face started to stain with blood, but she didn't mind so much at this moment. After a few bites, she glanced at him after swallowing some of her meal. "Thank you." She didn't wait for a response before taking another bite. She'd let him think about what her thanks was for. Whether it be for spending time with her. Hunting with her. Cleaning her wound...perhaps all of those things. Perhaps none. It didn't matter to her. She was just glad to have some company for once in her lonely little life.

"Talk" "You" Think
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