
Setting Sail



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-03-2019, 02:53 AM

"Who is there?" Ears swiveled at the sound of a masculine voice. No. It was the voice of a boy. Younger than the other males she had encountered. Younger than her. Tail flicked as molten gaze watched the corner, the babe standing just on the other side of it. Someone was there, though of course, she didn't know who. It wasn't Orwynd or Striden. She'd know their voices anywhere after having met them. Crown and banner lifted high, the babe waited a moment, but the footsteps had stopped. Her own had paused for a few moments as she waited to see if the owner of the voice would show himself, but she wasn't one to wait any more than she had to. She stalked forward, nails lightly clicking on the wooden ground beneath her as she made her way around the corner, only to come nearly face to face with a young male hardly bigger than her.

Molten gaze stared at him for a moment, dancing across the darkened pelt of ash and navy blue and lingering for a moment on the embers that appeared to be burned into his skin. Her breath hitched for a moment. Could...could this be one of them? Was it possible she had just found one of the Elementas clan? She didn't know who they were. Didn't know what they looked like. She could hardly even remember their names...but he had fire in his fur. Surely he was a cousin or something, right? "Paradise Elementas, who are you?" She questioned sternly, wanting to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.

"Talk" "You" Think
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