
Eligos vs Evangelos



Advanced Fighter (85)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut1KValentines 2020Trick 2019
03-03-2019, 10:09 AM
Eligos stood quietly in a reserved state of excitement and nerves, neither of which particularly showed on his dark, gold-streaked face as he watched the other pup contestants and the strange brindled coydogs that were picking them out for matches. He tried to catch Pyrrhic and Aureus' eyes to give them encouragement, but they'd already been led off to their separate rings to start their fights. His attention was dragged away from them, though he wished he could watch their fights, when an ancient coydog picked out him and another boy. He watched the coydog with disgust as it tottered ahead of them, so at first he didn't take particular note of the other boy, until he reminded himself to take the time to observe his opponent. Then he got a bit of a shock, as the other boy had long, curly fur cascading down from his head. Eligos' face went smooth with shock, and he nearly missed a step. What in the hell?

He forced back his surprise at the unusual tumble of curls to look at his opponent objectively. They were approximately the same size and build, so neither of them would have the edge there. Eligos had been training nearly from birth for fighting, but there was nothing to say that the other boy hadn't been as well so he wouldn't make the mistake of assuming.

The ancient old coydog indicated in his abrasive way that Eligos was to start the battle. Eli stepped into the ring with the other boy, then drew himself up to his full height. All right. Time to make his father proud. (Was his dad watching? He really hoped so, but he knew that his dad had planned to fight as well and he might already have a match too. He hoped, at least, that he'd do well enough to earn his father's approval.) He took a deep breath to settle his nerves, then slipped into the fighting stance that had been drilled into him over and over.

Almost before he had finished settling into his stance, he was in motion, hurtling himself forward in an attempt to drive the point of his left shoulder up into the other boy's windpipe just above his chest. As he did his head turned to his left as well, and his jaws opened wide and darted forward in an attempt to snatch a mouthful of those curls with the intention of getting a good grip and jerking hard on them.

Round 1/?
Size: extra large
Build: medium
Offensive Accessory:
Defensive Accessory:
Companion 1:
Companion 2:
Fight Skill Level: beginner