
Hustle Harder [Riva]



5 Years
03-03-2019, 01:12 PM
But you'll never find the answers, until you set your old heart free

Lydia approached the large tree, her tail wagging slightly as she admired the rough, greyish bark. This was a fine tree and she made note not to take to much. Removing some of the bark could leave the tree vulnerable to infection or pests, the later wasn't much of a concern with winter but spring was, she hoped, just around the corner. She made note to visit the tree in the spring when it would be flowering. She loved the site and smell of flowering trees and nothing spoke more of spring to her than that. Lydia bent her head and sniffed around the tree, looking for a good place to strip off some bark. It would be easiest to take the bark in the summer but the seasons were not on her side. She spied an area where a deer and rubbed against the bark and nodded to herself. Yes, that would be a good place to start.

She heard the approach of another wolf and turned to see one of the other Kesali healers. She felt embarrassed that she didn't know the girl's name. Lydia had meant to socialize more but her old habits kept her focused on work, especially with the harsh winter necessitating preparedness. The girl introduced herself as Riva.

"Nice to meet you Riva, I'm Lydia. I thought some white willow bark might come in handy. It's nice to be able to gather some medicine so close to home." She'd been making several trips into the warmer areas of the south such as the gulley but travel in an unpredictable winter could be hazardous. "What brings you here? Are you looking for something in particular?"