
Felicien vs Acere


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-03-2019, 04:10 PM
OOC// (Fight starts at 5th paragraph if you wanna skip ahead)

Everything around him was bustling with activity. He hadn't seen so many wolves and...non-wolves in one place before. Acere walked among the throng of creatures, noticing some faces that he recognized while others were complete strangers. Peddlers and entertainers filled the area, and he had to admit, he was excited to see the days events and how they played out. Ignis had come with him, sure that Actaea was around here somewhere though probably not participating in the tournament. When he turned around, his crimson nephew was gone, likely pulled away by the many exciting things happening around. That was alright, the boy could take care of himself. When an announcement was made, Acere stopped where he was, crimson gaze peeking through the eyes of the white tiger he had killed a couple of seasons ago. He had fashioned himself a suit of armor from its pelt. And on his feet sat a set of reavers carefully crafted with leather and the claws of the beast he felled.

His companion foxes walked beside him, taking in everything that was happening around them. It wasn't long before some googly eyed coydog approached and started to speak. Acere was having a hard time trying to figure out who he was talking to, brows knitting together as he looked at him with confusion. It wasn't until the rest of the crowd backed away and left him and another male up front and center. Acere spared a glance at his would-be opponent, noticing that the man was nearly twice his age. Huh...he was supposed to fight that old man? Well, an opponent was an opponent, he supposed.

He follows the coydog to a circle of stones, ears twitching beneath his mask as he listened to the rules. Simple enough, really. Both foxes stood on either side of him, their fur bristling and tails twitching as they itched to try their paws at a fight. Finn had always been more rambunctious and leaned towards the warrior's path, Lumi was getting there, though compared to her brother, she wasn't as vicious...yet. The titan rolled his shoulders as he sized up his opponent. They were nearly matched in height, though Acere was taller by three inches. And he was closer to his prime as opposed to the old man.

He nodded to him, "Acere Praetor, pleasure." He left his introduction brief. Now it was time to get to the matter at hand. He started by widening his stance until his legs were equidistant apart (hip and shoulder width). Claws splayed over the ground, tail flashing out behind him like a banner as his head lowered over his throat to align with his spine. He supposed he didn't have to worry about that anymore, but old habits died hard. Hackles rose along his body, the titan's shoulders rolling forward to protect the sides of his neck.

He was ready.

Acere charged, heading for a full frontal assault. He thrust his chest out, both points of his shoulders jutted out as he sought to slam into Felicien with as much force as he could, hopefully impacting his target to leave behind some gnarly bruises. Simultaneously, jaws parted as he tilted his head in and slightly downward towards Felicien's left shoulder, the alabaster male seeking to dig his teeth into the meaty flesh and hinder his opponent's movement. As he did this, his right forepaw would rise and Acere would seek to drive it down upon Felicien's left forepaw in an attempt to pin him place and to keep him from moving it with not only the pressure of his weight, but with the claws of his reaver potentially digging into the paw that would likely make it painful with each flex and movement of his opponents foot should he be successful.

Acere VS Felicien for Tournament Spar
Round: 1/?
Size: Dire Wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: Tiger Claw Reavers on his feet
Defensive Accessory: Tiger pelt armor
Companion 1: Fox - Male (battle)
Companion 2: Fox - Female (battle)
Mutation: N/A
Fight Skill Level: Expert
Specialty: N/A

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