
Basilia vs Greed



4 Years
03-03-2019, 05:29 PM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2019, 05:36 PM by Basilia.)
Basilia didn't know how exactly she wound up in this fighting tournament but she sure as hell was excited for it. She was invigorated by the energy around, so many wolves eager to fight and it was infectious. The coydog picked out her and one other wolf, as they made their way to the ring of stones she sized them up. They were a male that looked to be around her size albeit a little less muscular. She figured she would have her paws full with this guy.

As she entered into the ring she could hear the wing flaps of her avian companion. Her eyes made contact with the Gyr falcon as they came to hover beside her. She had named the bird Zabit and they had ended up hanging around her from time to time so she had developed a kind of bond with the animal. Basilia spoke with her eyes and there was an agreement that they would help her in this fight.

The snake like coydog gave them a run down on the rules and without hesitation Basilia started her attack. Squaring off with the other man at a distance of 10 feet (agreed OOC) she set her defenses. Lowering her frame and spreading out her weight between four paws to make sure she was centered and prepared to move. She tucked her chin to protect her neck and flattened her ears. Digging her paws into the earth below she prepared for her offense.

Basilia pushed of the ground with as much speed as she could muster. Running headlong at the wolf in front of her she had her skull angled down so that the part of her head that lay between her ears would be the part that made contact. Her goal with this was to ram into the males' chest and cause bruising and hopefully knock the wind out of him.

Basilia vs Greed for Dominance
Round: 1/2
Companion 1: Gyr Falcon-battle
Fight Skill Level:Beginner