
We meet again my new enemy



4 Years
03-04-2019, 09:34 AM
As Basilia’s tired mind struggled to comprehend anything the other wolf was saying she picked out that they had the intent to fight her. This didn’t please Basilia in the least, sure she was all for a good fight but not when she wasn’t at her best. She growled in the back of her throat in an attempt to get the blood running enough so that she didn’t move as slow. The other wolf had given her the first move for who knows what reason. So she would do her best to use this chance and take down this mutant of a wolf on her own terms.

Teeth bared Basilia walked towards the other woman saying “If I had the time to spend fighting your puny little self I would’ve done it the moment I met you. So if you’re dead set on a fight you’ll get one, but you’ll get one when I’m good and ready. I’m tired and clearly not in my best shape, if you’ve any honor in you you’ll want a fair fight on even footing.” She turned around releasing a snarl at the women. “Couple days, battlegrounds, you’ll know my howl when it pierces your ears. If you decide you no longer have anything to prove to yourself I won’t hold it against you.”

Basilia continued on her way, she was going to get her sleep and this crazy woman wasn’t about to stop her. She’d have to adjust her sleeping schedule a bit if she was going to be awake enough during the night. This was a whole ordeal she would rather not deal with, for this wolf annoyed her more than anything else. Fighting for entertainment was one thing but fighting for an actual reason was another. Sure the woman had her fair share of enemies but they were primarily so in verbal form. Physical enemies were her least favorite kind.  The woman could talk circles around someone if she chose to, but fighting things out with teeth and claws only proved things once. Rematches certainly were not her thing and she hoped to the stars that this wolf wasn’t stubborn enough to want one. She would beat them fair and square and if she didn’t she would do her best to take it with grace and honor.
-Attempted exit Basilia-
Basilia vs Cordelia for Dominance
Round: 0/?
Basilia is prone to inappropriate language and violent tendencies, if you stop entertaining her, all bets are off. You have been warned. She also has a Gyr Falcon companion that is assumed not with her unless otherwise stated.