
Sparkle Leatard


07-15-2013, 02:13 AM

The elder lady would respond with ease, the confidence that rested between her lips was enough support for Eos to presume the creature was speaking true to her word. Perhaps she was seasoned in the art of healing, or perhaps she had merely had the information passed down to her. Regardless, the russet queen was satisfied with whatever it were the charcoal-dusted femme was attempting to promote. She seemed to be a tolerable character, it would do Glaciem no harm to trial the petite vixen. Who knows, perhaps some day a healer would be needed?

Tail flicked idly at tapered hocks, ears flicking with a seemingly dwindling interest, ?You can count on it,? she would promise with a slightly bitter tongue. ?You seem an astute, bearable enough character, but do not get too ahead of yourself- Glaciem will treat you well only if you return it the same conscience,? lyrics would fade slightly towards the end, a fragile desire to leave the meeting begin to simmer behind pale gaze. Eos had never been a social character, and although it clashed slightly with her rank, she supposed she had brought it somewhat upon herself. It were only to be expected. Spine would twist, turning her body slightly away from the ladies own in a subtle suggestion that departure was passing mind.