
Elara vs Yarikh



2 Years
03-04-2019, 01:47 PM

He had been wandering, seemingly aimlessly, for who knows how long, so what harm could come from a little rest stop? Yarikh was not sure what to make of this crowd of strangers, and nor did he have a clue as to why this gathering was taking place, but the opportunity was simply impossible to ignore. It had been ages since he had seen his last fight, and he was beginning to feel...out-of-practice. If he was soon to reach his destination, then he needed to check that his skills were still sharp. There was no telling what could have gone down in the warrior servant's absence.

With a roll of his shoulders did he step forth, but no sooner did he volunteer than he was picked out from the cluster of willing participants. A funny coincidence, given how bland he looked among the rest of them, but this mild amusement did not surface in Yarikh's features. Instead, he simply took a moment to skim the faces that had joined him. He was scrawny compared to some...but no matter. He had thrown paws with the likes of them, even though it had been some time. However, as his empty gaze flitted to the opponent chosen for him by the coywolf--a pale femme not much larger than he--he silently thanked the fates for allowing him a warm-up.

Stay in the circle....That was simple enough. Yarikh mirrored his opponent, aligning himself within the ring, but as he began to fall into position, the instructor's voice slowly became replaced by ghosts of his old instincts. Good. Limbs spread and paws splayed over the ground, evening out his weight, claws scraping away at the soil for extra stability. His tail lifted to level with his spine while his head lowered to do the same, chin tucking slightly inward to guard his throat. Shoulders drew forward as well, bunching together the scarce fat of his bristling neck, while his ears flattened and eyes narrowed into dark slits. Finally, directly before the female's attack, his lips drew back to reveal his stark white teeth, letting out with them a vicious snarl of excitement.

Yarikh, too, lurched to the left as she neared, swiveling simultaneously in hopes of better facing her right side, but while this managed to redirect her right shoulder away from his center, he was not quite swift enough to escape either it or her waiting jaws. The shoulder collided with his own, sending a shooting pain through his right forelimb, but the woman's grip kept him from moving too far from impact. Thankfully, her hold on his loose scruff also meant he was not totally immobile. Keeping his head low to protect his throat, he lashed it out to the right, hoping to catch her own right neck in his parted maw.

Elara vs. Yarikh for TOURNAMENT SPAR
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Offensive Accessory: n/a
Defensive Accessory: n/a
Companion 1: n/a
Companion 2: n/a
Mutation: n/a
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: n/a


table by Lowin art by Kara