
The Skies Shall Weep



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-04-2019, 06:58 PM

The black babe spoke to her, and her own ears leaned in to catch her lyrics. Her question sounded almost rhetorical, though Paradise offered a small nod in reponse. This woman was strange...she looked beautiful, no doubt about that. Even if she was just a plain black creature, unlike herself. But even beauty could be found in the simplest of forms. "Perhaps we do." She countered softly. She had never been in the battlefield for a fight before. She usually only spectated, but lately, she felt she ought to try her paw at it. Especially if she was going to be traveling around. She no longer wanted to be that sheltered whelp that sat and moped with only boredom for company in her southern home, no. She wanted to get out. To explore the world. To see what it had to offer. To see the beauty and the ugliness of it.

Today would add to her experiences, no doubt.

The ebon woman insisted she take the first move, so Paradise moved to put a few feet between them (about 10), and she threw up her defenses as she did so. Her hackles raised, ears pinning against her crown. Her tail tucking beneath her body, molten gaze narrowing into golden slits as she sized up her opponent. Cordelia was a few inches taller than her, not much of a difference between them so it was likely that they'd be evenly matched. Maybe. She wasn't sure. She bared her fangs and bunched her scruff, shoulders rolling forward before she charged.

Paradise sought to come at Cordelia head on, but when there was a foot or so between them, she attempted to dart to her right (Cordelia's left) in an effort to throw her opponent off and fake her out. The fiery babe moved to nearly come alongside the ebony woman, their fur potentially brushing as she sought to throw the point of her left shoulder into her opponents ribcage (2nd or 3rd rib down). With her head lowered, she tilted her muzzle in towards Cordelia's stomach, seeking then to use her teeth to bite the tender flesh just past her opponents last rib.

Paradise VS Cordelia for Spar
Round 1/2
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Offensive Accessory: N/A
Defensive Accessory: N/A
Companion 1: N/A
Companion 2: N/A
Mutation: N/A
Disability: N/A
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: N/A


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