

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-04-2019, 07:24 PM

Her diplomat was silent beside her, and she felt his presence like a steady weight to lean on. She took no offense when he didn’t reply immediately, a glance told her that he was watching Tyranis’s retreating form, and it was easy to guess that he was assembling his thoughts.

He agreed with what she had done here, and she was glad that at least one person had confidence in her actions. Odysseus then went on to weight Tyranis’s actions, pointing out that it could have been justified, or it could have been staged. It was hard to say with any certainty. That was about her assessment, and she wished Odysseus had been more confident in his ability to read the man then she was.

“To be honest with you, Odysseus, i’ve never met the man before today.” It was safe to say she didn’t know him at all, and had no experience to draw upon. “Rhyme has meet him once before, he came to our borders to.. Reminisce old times, he said Bass had once promised him leadership of the pack, and that those he had a grudge against no longer lived in Abaven” that whole thing had left her a little confused, and she was certain she didn’t know the whole story about it. Still, she passed on the little tidbit to her diplomat. “All I really know about him comes from Ace, who I want to trust, but has already proved that his judgment is blind when it comes to that man.” her sigh was sad and weary, she still had to clean up her pack in the midst of all this. She had not just the mediation between parents to deal with, but also the actions of her own.



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