
live & love & don't let go



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-17-2013, 10:02 AM

There was nobody in the world she would rather be with right now. The girl was deeply enamored with Maverick, and since she had made the choice to ask Gerhardt if she could come to Seracia in her sister's place, she hadn't felt happier. As they began the short trek back to their den, she leaned lightly into him, content to let him hold her up even if ever so slightly. A contented sigh slipped from her parted jaws, a sound that was nothing short of blissful.

"We will seek out Loccian, then," she murmured to him, her voice soft and somewhat sensual still, but it was also heavy with tiredness. "And then, your father. Once we are sure, of course." She wanted this to be a journey for them both, not just one for her. She had very little idea to expect -- Erani had taken everything in stride when she'd given birth to her children, going through the motions with grace and confidence that was unexpected. Once she was certain, she would have to venture to Valhalla and tell Erani, as well as her sister... the realization that she might have children, and that her father would never see them, suddenly became real to Epiphron. She wouldn't let it ruin her mood, and yet she couldn't help but feel guilty, as though she had somehow earned such a thing. As though, if she had been there for Cairo, he may not have died. She knew that was far from true -- and yet she envied those who had heard him speak his last words, that had been there for him.

But it was no time for such things. Quietly she loped alongside him, grateful as their den came into view, along with the slowly rising sun over the horizon. The pair slid inside with ease, Epiphron letting out a soft -- almost needy -- whimper, wanting terribly to curl about him and sleep throughout most of the morning.

- exit Epiphron -