
Lips Of An Angel


07-15-2013, 07:32 PM

The marbled nymph leapt away from his flailing head. His jaws snapping together, nearly on top of the poor thing's nose but he wasn't concerned with her or what was going on with her at the moment. What he cared about right now was getting back up and getting the water away from him. He couldn't go drowning! That was the most pathetic way to go! His weak limbs flailed uselessly as he desperately tried to get himself back up onto his paws. He didn't care if he was hurt or even close to denying, he needed to get up and get out of here! And then little nymph's familiar voice broke through his panic, stilling the giant of a man. It's alright! Please! You mustn't get up again! His flailing limbs stilled beside him, falling limp back to the ground, his massive head dropping back to the ground, grey lids falling closed over his cyan eyes. He tried to calm his racing heart, nostrils flaring wide as he took several deep breaths, listening to his racing pulse as it slowly began to simmer down to something more normal. He could smell a fresh batch of herbs, feel the rock pressing against his chest. Left forepaw was raised, pawing at the rock pressed against his wound. What the fuck was this for? He would've pushed it away, but at the moment he had no strength to do anything. He simply lied there, breathing deeply before he finally opened his eyes, turning his head around to face the little nymph. He said nothing at first, simply looking into her own sapphire gaze, trying to figure out what the hell was going on with him and why he felt something stirring inside of him for this little medic.

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