
Wash It All Away



8 Years
03-05-2019, 08:41 AM

The springs had been a very wise choice to nestle down in for the winter. The overall territory was a lot warmer then other spots and even in a den under ground it was comfortable. She was finding she was enjoying this territory more then the rest so far. She felt safer here and it was easier to navigate. It had taken her some time to actually maneuver and become comfortable around the pools, but she eventually learned and was comfortable. Despite Greed's absence she was being cared for and attempting to do some relearning on her own. Most of it so far was tracking, fallowing trails and strengthening her sense of smell.

She did however find the length of time he was gone..... worrisome. Since he had found her after her banishment they had never been apart this long and despite having others around her she felt lonesome without him around. She worried that something bad had happened to him. Worried that he wouldn't be coming back. She enjoyed the company from Dragon's family, but she missed her company with Greed. She tried to keep herself from worrying, instead working at keeping herself busy at attempting to train herself. Dragon was able to do so much despite his blindness and it was a goal of hers to learn to adapt like he has. He was inspiring and she intended to do her best.

She didn't want Greed to continue to feel guilty about the raid, she had already forgiven him. She wanted to show him that she could still be independent despite what has happened in hopes that it would make him feel better.

Today she had decided to take a break and was resting within the den after a short morning exercise. So when Greed had returned she was inside the den. His call had made her heart skip and soon she found herself overwhelmed with relief that he was finally home. Quickly she would get up and move from the den, straight to him. Her tail wagging and a smile on her face as she sought to press her nose into the left side of his neck.

"Welcome back," she greeted warmly.

"Talk" Think

* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.