
Same as it never was....


07-15-2013, 04:55 AM

His silence and solitude soon came the thing of the past. The appearance of another soon came into the same area that he resided in. This fellow was a young one at that, maybe about the age of three. Ulrike's ears did not move from his calm upright position as the young boy made his way to the edge of the lake as well. The old brute turned his head to take a look at this child who has yet to grow. He did not speak much to the youngling, just observed him, after all their is really no need to say words. A situation such as this holds many different paths that it could take, violence for instance. An unnecessary attack from the other, or even peacefulness. Just to walk away like nothing happened. What ever the outcome may be in this situation the old brute has faced it all.

Ulrike came to a standing position and turned to the young brute. No words are needed to be said with the calm at ease body language that Ulrike possessed at this time. To anyone who knows anything about life, this should be an easy sign that states Ulrike is not hostile, but rather cautious. He looked the other up and down, studying his body language just as much as he should. 'What a peculiar young brute I see before me, he seems to have and hold such a perspective of things like no other. I am not sure as to if my accusations are correct but I do not see a threat here from this young fellow. I think a conversation and introduction is in order here. The young brute seems to be waiting for me to make the first move, how interesting. I should see where this leads too then.'

Ulrike stood where he's at and decided that he was to make a formal introduction. To some the first move seems weak, but Ulrike knows that from the years he lived that, that is not the case at all. The first move indicates that one is not afraid to go at a unknown situation. "Hello their young brute, what brings you to this god forsaken land filled with serpents." Ulrike spoke in a calm voice that was filled with the years he lived. His eyes scanned the young thing over some more before he continued on."My name if you wish to hear it , is Ulrike. I am a former member of the Tortugan pack, and whom may you be if I may ask." He spoke.
